In 2000 was de Stichting Entertainment-Education Nederland gastheer van de Derde Wereldconferentie voor Prosociale Verandering, die werd gehouden op Papendal. In een programma van vier dagen ontmoetten wetenschappers, beleidsmakers en praktijkmensen uit 28 landen elkaar om wetenschappelijke vorderingen en nieuwe ervaringen uit te wisselen.
Het sluitstuk van deze buitengewoon inspirerende conferentie was een unanieme slotverklaring met zeven afspraken, waarmee het internationale netwerk op het gebied van Entertainment-Education zich verbindt aan de ontwikkeling van het vakgebied in de toekomst. De conferentie werd dagelijks online verslagen door een team van journalistieke en inhoudelijke medewerkers. Deze unieke live-internet reportage is bewerkt tot officieel conferentieverslag in de EE 2000 Event Proceedings, die op deze site integraal zijn opgenomen.
The international EE 2000 event
The EE 2000 Event consisted of four days of interactive programming, with plenary keynote conversations, round table presentations, special panels, and experience workshops. The Proceedings contains reports on every session of the conference, as well as on the excursions and other happenings. The reports are based on the daily Web magazine that was prepared at the conference.
One of the great achievements of the EE 2000 Event was the cooperative development of the seven positions in the EE 2000 Declaration, which was presented at the closing ceremony. The Declaration marks our work for the near future; there is much to do, and we hope to move forward with the same enthusiasm that everyone shared at the Event.
EE 2000 declaration
We, the Entertainment-Education Community, meeting at the Third International Entertainment-Education Conference for Social Change, at Arnhem and Amsterdam, The Netherlands, september 17-22, 2000, commit ourselves to the advancement of the field of Entertainment-Education. Our commitment to developing Entertainment-Education includes the following positions:
- The synergy of entertainment and education consists of deliberately combining the joy of entertainment with the empowering potential of education to achieve social progress for all.
- Ethics in the field of Entertainment-Education should encourage full and informed participation of all stakeholders, especially including audiences. Ethical practice is based on appropriate information and includes careful design and monitoring of implementation processes as well as societal consequences of Entertainment-Education.
- Theory and practice are based on inclusiveness, diversity, and a variety of genres, multidisciplinary theories, methods, formats and channels. Theory and practice incorporate intuitive and scientific modern and traditional approaches, including folk media, community broadcasting and emerging technologies. Theory and practice facilitate transcreational and locally adaptable formats, applicable to individuals and communities.
- We recognize the importance of conducting and sharing research to the development of the Entertainment-Education field. We encourage fine-tuning of current research methods and support new and more comprehensive approaches for formative, monitoring and evaluation research. We will set a research agenda that includes study into the role of performing artists, their involvement in social subjects, and intended and unintended effects.
- We will expand professional expertise through continuing pre-service and in-service training and education in related professional fields as well as the Entertainment-Education sector through academic and on-the-job training methods.
- Entertainment-Education promotes sound business practices that will support sustainability, including branding and marketing, to optimize cost-effectiveness with a fair and equitable financial return to all participants.
- We agree to develop a network of associates that will facilitate the exchange of information and materials and that will function as an advocate for Entertainment-Education. The three organizing parties of this event here commit to sustaining this network, establishing and coordinating a Web site developing a global distribution system for existing Entertainment-Education materials, and other initiatives. We will plan for future meetings amongst our organisations and with other interested parties; and establish awards to recognize excellence in the Entertainment-Education field.
We anticipate that these activities will contribute to the advancement of the Entertainment-Education field for the benefit of our active audiences.
The table of contents of the Proceedings of the Third International
Entertainment-Education Conference for Social Change.
The Naked Truth, a Dead Rabbit, and Viagra Stories
and Music at Opening Night
From The Archers to Big Brother Keynote Conversation: "Entertainment Worldwide"
Cinderella Goes Intercultural Roundtable
Session: "Western and Non-Western Settings"
Stakeholders and Collaborating Partners Roundtable Session: "Entertainment Media Production"
Folk Media Versus Fake Media Roundtable
Session: "Folk Media"
Monkey See, Monkey Do Research
Panel: "Challenges in Entertainment-Education Theory"
The Power of Personal Stories Special Workshop: "The Healing Art of Storytelling"
The Making of Yellow Card An Experience Workshop
"Elvis Costello is Not a Pizza" The
Entertainment Panel
"Think Big, Start Small, Act Now" Keynote Conversation: "Strategic Partnerships"
Looking for Hidden Agendas Roundtable
Session: "Media Advocacy and Media Partnerships"
May I Have This Dance? Roundtable
Session: "Entertainers and Educators"
Can the Ends Justify the Means? Roundtable
Session: "Campaign Orchestration"
Go Where the Action Is! The Amsterdam Excursion: Historical Amsterdam and the Red Light
Creating a Road Map for the Future Keynote Conversation: "Resolving EE Dilemmas"
Does Green Always Mean Go? Roundtable
Session: "Sender and Receiver Issues"
Should You Americanize to Survive? Roundtable
Session: "Media and Ethics"
Game, Set, Match: Sports Can Sell Social
Messages Special Panel: "Entertainment-Education
and Sports"
EE Works, But How? Research
Panel: "Strategic Design and Impact Evaluation"
Designing a Global Project in 90 Minutes Special Workshop: "Interactive Media and Virtual Communities"
A Target Group Designs EE Experience Workshop: "The Making of De Straat is Van Ons"
(The Street is Ours)
Money Matters Speical
Panel: "Money Meets Ideas"
We Have Come a Long Way...But an Exciting Future
Lies Ahead Keynote Conversation: "The Future
of Entertainment-Education"
Reaching Consensus in Record Time Declaration
Debate: Participants Commit to the Future of EE
A Taste of Holland EE
Visit to the Dutch National Heritage Museum
Team Spirit Has Its Rewards Gala
Night: Recognitions and Music